Customer Success Stories

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Case Studies

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University of Southampton

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON -- Empowering researchers to sail ahead with a super-powerful  Lenovo ThinkSystem supercomputer.

For scientists, engineers and academics in almost every discipline, high-performance computing (HPC) is playing an ever more central role in advancing human knowledge, empowering researchers to tackle tough challenges such as global warming and the rise of deadly superbugs.


POV/Focus: Sustainability

Offerings: ThinkSystem, Dist. Storage Solution for IBM Spectrum Scale

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New City College London


Giving students a helping hand.

Benjamin Franklin said that ‘an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.’ New City College London wanted to invest in its students, and partnered with Blue Sky Systems to roll out a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution, running on high-performance Lenovo servers – giving students rapid, reliable access to learning tools.

Offerings: System x

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Shining a bright new light on billing.

When you get your energy bill, you expect it to match up to your meter reading, right? To make sure that customers aren’t left in the dark about their bills, Mosenergosbyt moved its mission-critical Oracle customer billing system to high-performance Lenovo ThinkSystem severs – ensuring smooth operations even at times of peak demand.

Offerings: ThinkSystem, System x, Storage

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SciNet -- Pushing scientific boundaries

To support vital scientific research in fields as diverse as astrophysics, biomedicine and climate science, SciNet beefed up its high-performance computing resources with a Lenovo ThinkSystem supercomputer powered by the latest Intel Xeon Scalable processors. The the Lenovo solution delivers 10 times more performance than the previous cluster – while using only two-thirds of the energy – making it the most powerful supercomputer in Canada.

POV/Focus: High Availability

Offerings: Dist. Storage Solution for IBM Spectrum Scale, ThinkSystem, Networking

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Taiwan Mobile

Taiwan Mobile -- Delivering on demand for safe, secure cloud services 
Rather than leaving cloud security and performance up in the air, Taiwan Mobile chose to deliver cloud services from its own data center with a hybrid cloud platform powered by Lenovo ThinkAgile SX for Microsoft Azure Stack and Intel Xeon processors.


POV/Focus: Cloud

Offerings: ThinkAgile

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