Customer Success Stories

See how our portfolio of products, solutions, software, and services deliver Smarter Technology for All.

Case Studies

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IT service provider MDlink online service center GmbH found that its networking equipment was struggling to cope with increased volumes of customer traffic and the demands of the company’s new cloud services. MDlink chose to replace its existing Cisco switches with Lenovo RackSwitch technology, based on its outstanding experience of Lenovo System x servers. Not only does this decision enable the company to
continue providing highly available hosting services, it also greatly simplifies MDlink’s data center infrastructure.

POV/Focus: Cloud, Infrastucture as a Service

Offerings: System x, NeXtScale System, Networking

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Lenovo Global Business Intelligence

Inspired by the potential of big data, the Lenovo Global Business Intelligence team designed a selfservice platform to deliver real-time analytics that provide meaningful insights—across the business, and for all touch points along the customer’s journey. The team deployed a cloudbased solution called Lenovo Unified Customer Intelligence (LUCI Sky), using high-performance Lenovo technologies and the latest software to support data integration, data visualization and predictive analytics. LUCI Sky now enables business users to access high-value, actionable customer insights, often in a matter of seconds.

POV/Focus: Big Data & Analytics

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GrECo JLT Group

After opening two new international branches in 2013, and with plans to keep growing across Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, major insurance broker GrECo JLT recognized the need to reorganize its central data warehouse to cope with increased demand.

By consolidating its server landscape and migrating its Microsoft SQL Server software to a single System x® server from Lenovo, GrECo JLT improved performance levels by 20 percent and reduced licensing costs by 90 percent.

Offerings: System x

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High-performance computing at CINECA in Italy enables scientists to transform data into new insight across disciplines including physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine, and urban planning. To support academic research, and to help teams conduct vital research in topics such as artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, the human brain and precision medicine, CINECA decided to deploy its new supercomputing architecture, Marconi, on a Lenovo supercomputer.


POV/Focus: Big Data & Analytics

Offerings: NeXtScale System, Dist. Storage Solution for IBM Spectrum Scale

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CET 21

Czech broadcaster CET 21 was having difficulties ensuring adequate performance of its mission-critical back office workloads on aging Dell hardware. Hosting central business applications for its holding company to keep televisions going across Central and Eastern Europe added to the company’s scalability challenges. Addressing these issues, CET 21 replaced its outdated data center architecture with a fully-integrated,
high-density Flex System solution from Lenovo, greatly boosting performance and improving scalability.

Offerings: Flex System

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Viewing 671-675 of 677 Case Studies